How to Pick a Garage Door Lock? – MF Solutions

As a homeowner concerned with security and peace of mind, there may come a time when you find yourself in a situation where you need to access your garage but have misplaced the key or forgotten the code. In such instances, knowing how to pick a garage door lock can be a valuable skill. However, it’s important to approach lock picking with caution and responsibility, ensuring that you only use this knowledge for lawful purposes, such as gaining entry to your own property.

In this comprehensive guide from Garage Door Repair, I’ll share insights and techniques on how to pick a garage door lock effectively and responsibly.

Understanding Garage Door Locks

Before diving into the specifics of lock picking, it’s essential to understand the types of locks commonly used on garage doors. The two primary types of garage door locks are:

  1. T-Handle Locks: T-handle locks are commonly found on older garage doors and operate similarly to a traditional door handle lock. They consist of a handle that is turned to engage or disengage the locking mechanism, securing the door in place.
  2. Deadbolt Locks: Deadbolt locks are more secure and commonly found on newer garage doors. They feature a bolt that extends into the door frame when engaged, providing additional security against forced entry.

Both types of locks can be picked using similar techniques, although deadbolt locks may require more advanced tools and skills to manipulate effectively.

Tools and Materials You’ll Need

Before attempting to pick a garage door lock, gather the following tools and materials:

  • Lock Picks: A basic lock picking set typically includes a variety of picks and tension wrenches designed to manipulate different types of locks.
  • Tension Wrench: This tool applies rotational force to the lock cylinder, allowing you to turn the plug and manipulate the internal pins.
  • Rake Pick: A rake pick is used to quickly manipulate the pins inside the lock cylinder, making it an effective tool for beginners.
  • Hook Pick: A hook pick is used to individually lift and set the pins inside the lock cylinder, providing more precise control.
  • Lubricant: A small amount of lubricant, such as graphite powder or silicone spray, can help lubricate the lock mechanism and improve the effectiveness of your picks.

Step-by-Step Guide to Lock Picking

Now that you have your tools and materials ready, let’s walk through the process of picking a garage door lock:

1. Insert the Tension Wrench:

  • Start by inserting the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyhole, applying slight pressure in the direction that the key would turn to unlock the door. This tension will help bind the pins inside the lock cylinder.

2. Insert the Pick:

  • Insert the pick into the keyhole above the tension wrench, positioning it above the pins inside the lock cylinder.

3. Apply Tension:

  • Apply slight rotational pressure to the tension wrench, using your thumb or forefinger. This pressure should be enough to create tension but not so much that it binds the pins completely.

4. Rake the Pins:

  • Using a gentle up-and-down motion, rake the pick across the pins inside the lock cylinder. This motion should help set the pins to the shear line, allowing the lock to turn.

5. Set the Pins:

  • Once you’ve raked the pins a few times, switch to the hook pick and individually lift each pin to the shear line. Apply varying amounts of pressure to each pin until you feel a slight click or movement, indicating that the pin has been set.

6. Turn the Lock:

  • With all pins set to the shear line, apply steady pressure to the tension wrench and turn it in the direction that the key would turn to unlock the door. If done correctly, the lock should turn, and the door will unlock.

7. Repeat as Necessary:

  • If you’re unsuccessful on your first attempt, don’t be discouraged. Lock picking takes practice and patience. Repeat the process, adjusting your technique and pressure as needed, until you successfully unlock the door.

Safety and Legal Considerations

While lock picking can be a useful skill in certain situations, it’s essential to approach it responsibly and legally. Here are some important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Legal Consent: Only attempt to pick a garage door lock on property where you have legal consent to do so, such as your own home or with explicit permission from the property owner.
  • Emergency Situations: Lock picking should only be used in emergency situations where accessing the property is necessary for safety or security reasons.
  • Legal Restrictions: Familiarize yourself with any local laws or regulations regarding lock picking. In some jurisdictions, possession of lock picking tools may be restricted or require a license.


Overall, based from Garage Door Repair, learning how to pick a garage door lock can be a valuable skill for homeowners, providing a means of access in emergency situations where keys or codes are unavailable. However, it’s essential to approach lock picking responsibly and legally, ensuring that you only use this knowledge for lawful purposes. By following the techniques outlined in this guide and practicing patience and caution, you can effectively unlock your garage door and gain access to your property when needed. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility—use your lock picking skills wisely and ethically.

MF Solutions

Niles, IL


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